Dec.13.2013 SION・大阪 "雪かもな"


昨夜は大阪でシオンのライブを観てきました。開場まで少し時間があったので、心斎橋BIG STEPで「鋤田正義  写真展SOUND&VISION」を観ました。数々のミュージシャンや70年代のロンドンの若者の風俗などが印象的でした。40年前の若者のトンガリ具合は今見ても格好良い!

シオンは一曲目の"Sorry Baby"から全力で歌い、僕は一瞬で心を奪われ鳥肌が立ちました。ギターと鍵盤の二人とも完璧に息が合っていてシオンの言葉が引き立ち、ずっと胸に響き通しでした。
I went to Osaka last night and firstly watched a MasayoshiSukita photograph exhibition. It is the photographer who deals with the jacket photographs such as David Bowie or YMO to date from 1970's.

Then I watched the performance of the Japanese singer-songwriter called SION in club.
His voice and words affect straight heart. It was a very splendid performance.

SION "雪かもな"
 "May be snowy"  by  SION

The reason is because that I didn't call "tiring" was taught by you. 
Because anyone lives with a body and a heart, there isn't the person who isn't tired. 

At the night when cools down, I have hot coffee and some rum.
 A too quiet sign tells me it, When the morning of tomorrow may be snowy. 

The reason is because what I didn't give up halfway was taught again by you. 
It is only a person with more power to have possibilities to take a rest till it is counted a count. 

At the night when cools down, I have hot coffee and some rum.
 A too quiet sign tells me it, When the morning of tomorrow may be snowy. 
 The foot slips and is hard to walk, but I like beautiful snow.
* again

 I walk slowly, but walk without stopping. By the how to walk that you taught. 

