Feb.28.2014 転石苔むさず "It's only Rock'n Roll(but I like it)"
26日はThe Rolling Stonesの東京ドームでのコンサートに行ってきました。

The Rolling Stones "It's only Rock'n Roll(but I like it)"
I went to the concert in Tokyo Dome of The Rolling Stones on 26th. The contents of the concert were the best without my saying!
Mick Jagger in particular maintained a voice like the youth and movement and a figure, and it was superhuman physical strength.
By the strong charisma of the member of the stage, 50,000 spectators were unified. I kept I was excited, and dancing. It played Mick Taylor of the initial member with a guest!
They played a 2-hour concert without a break.
The Rolling Stones moves into action at most of the history of RocknRoll since RocknRoll is invented. It is the highest existence that continues challenging the unreached domain. It will be the legend that nobody can make in future.
I felt happiness to be able to be present at at the moment. I hope that they make a tour again!
By the way, 28th is a birthday of Brian Jones who named The Rolling Stones it with the immediate early guitarist of the band and Masanori Yamamoto today.
