Apr.24.2014 Bob Dylan "Hurricane"

21日は午前中で仕事を切り上げて、大阪のZEPP NAMBAでBob Dylanのコンサートを観てきました。立ち見のコンサートで、前から5列目くらいの位置に入り込めました。

コンサートの前に、気になっていた映画「The Broken Circle Breakdown(邦題オーバー・ザ・ブルースカイ)」を観ました。とても良い映画でした。愛し合う素晴らしいカップルの気持ちが、ある不幸を境に混沌としていく様が痛々しく胸に突き刺さり、身につまされました。

I watched a concert of BobDylan in ZEPP-NAMBA of Osaka on 21st. I was able to get into the fifth line position in front of in the concert of the standing to watch. The concert contents were accompanied by a member of the dexterity, and it was a very powerful performance.
But it seemed to be somewhat the masterful performance that got too much better, and the magic only in the concert didn't happen. However, most of spectators swelled. I have thought whether Tom Waits wouldn't visit Japan while listening to a song of Dylan. I am sorry. One of the guitar players was CharlieSexton. He was sharp as ever and became bitter.

I watched movie [TheBrokenCircleBreakdown] before a concert began. It was a very good movie. A performance scene of the bluegrass in this movie falls on a real concert and sees it, and it is the feeling that watched a concert twice a day.

The theme of this song which Bob Dylan composed is Rubin Carter case. I knew it by the movie of the Denzel Washington star. The false accusation case that resembled the case well was Japan. Mr. Iwao Hakamada considered to be a criminal was released last month. He was a professional boxer as well as Mr. Carter. He was imprisoned as innocence for about 48 years. (Mr. Rubin "hurricane" Carter died on this April 20. )

Bob Dylan "Hurricane"

