Mar.9.2015 少年 "曇り空、ふたりで"
人は誰もが一寸先も分からずに綱渡りをしながら、笑ったり泣いたりして生きているのでしょう。 お互いがそんな存在なのだと気づくのが大人なのかなと思います。
March began, but is colder. In the news, the unpleasant case that the depths of the chest cool down is reported almost every day.
About a cruel murder case between teenage boys in Kawasaki of the other day, I felt unbearable
I spent it without being troubled with food, clothing and shelter in boyhood. However, the heart was always seized with a feeling of irritation.
Speaking frankly, I live a poor life economically now, but I am filled up mentally and feel it when it is pretty good happiness. Because I am in condition to have always starved, I may be satisfied about a little.
While anyone walks on a tightrope without knowing one second later, the people cry and will laugh. I think whether it is an adult to notice that each other is such a person.
SION "曇り空、ふたりで"