Feb.3.2015 痛み "Feel The Pain"

On February 1, Japanese journalist Kenji Goto restricted by ISIS was murdered cruelly. Because his work and personality were reported during these approximately two weeks, it was a big shock to have been killed. I read news of the Internet, but a feeling of despair and a pain attacked it just to have watched a sentence. 
Various opinions spout out about the correspondence of anger and Abe Administration for the terrorist, but pray soul of the man who merely lived fairly may rest in peace now.
I wash the rice which is raw materials of the liquor day after day. When I soak rice more than 300kg in a current while it snows and wash it barehanded, I am numb so that a sense disappears and can cut the dirt from the hand. But there can't be the great thing if I think of a pain and regrets of Mr.Yukawa and Mr.Goto.

 Dinosaur Jr. "Feel the pain"

