Mar.18.2015 Jackson Browne ・Osaka "Running On Empty"

 16日には大阪でジャクソン・ブラウンのコンサートに行ってきました。 会場の大阪フェスティバルホールは高級感のある建物で、長く緩やかなエスカレーター、落ち着いたロビー、エントランスに格好良い50~60代の大人達が集まっていてとても良い雰囲気。座席も心地よいです。 
ジャクソン・ブラウンの生の歌声は初めてでしたが、非常に力強くて驚きました。スリムな体から心に直接届く声を発するジャクソン・ブラウンが、大地に根を張った大木のように感じました。 ステージングは虚飾の無いシンプルなもので、共演のミュージシャン達は誠実で控えめながらも情熱的な演奏やコーラスにより奥行きのある空間を作り出していました。
今まで観た数々のコンサートの中でもとりわけ印象に残る、とても素晴らしいコンサートでした。この日に居合わせた観客は全員、とても幸運な人たちだったと思います。 休憩を挟んで三時間もの演奏で幸せな思いをしました。
A climate became warm and became 20 degrees Celsius in the daytime suddenly. The refreshing air of the way of several months smells have good new trees and plants.
I went to the concert of Jackson Browne in Osaka on 16th. The Osaka festival hall which there was of the concert was a building with the sense of quality. People of cool old and middle age gathered in the calm lobby, and it was a very good atmosphere. The seat is comfortable, too.
I was the first time that I heard a live singing voice of Jackson Browne, but was surprised to be very powerful. Jackson Browne who uttered a voice to arrive in a heart from a slim body felt a root like the big tree which it formed on on the earth. The direction was a simple thing without show and display. And the musicians of the costarring created space with the depth by a passionate performance and chorus with faithfulness modestly
He continued running without slacking at the present that passed from a debut more than 40 years. It was the very splendid concert that won through up to an impression among other things in the many concerts that I watched so far. I think that all the spectators who were present on this day were very lucky people. I felt happy by a performance of three hours including a break.

 Jackson Browne "Running On Empty"

